Virtual Tour (360)

Adding video track with subtitles in embeded youtube video in Virtual Tour


I just added an Youtube video in a Virtual Tour scene usig the scene editor. In Accessibility tab > Add video track with Subtitles kind selected, I set srclang to to ro (from romanian) and I uploaded a standard .vtt file.  However, the translation is not showing.

Can you help me ?

Thank you !

Virtual Tour - Play only audio from a YouTube video

bioscience's picture



I like the Virtual Tour activity. If I want to add audio I can't only play the audio connected to a YouTube video. At least, I haven't figured this out yet. I think it would be a nice addition to just play audio form a YouTube link when usinf the insert audio button.


Kind regards,


Virtual Tour - Open Website in the Virtual Tour

bioscience's picture


I think it would be worthwhile to open link to specific webpages within the Virtual Tour. Just like when you click on the videi icon a YouTube video is shown in the Virtual Tour. In that case you don't leave the Virtual Tour, but can scroll through the webpage within the Virtual Tour. It would open up many more possibilities for teaching.

Kind regards,



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