
Labels in agamotto not appearing in LMS when resizing

Hi there,

I have an agamotto that I embedded within my LMS and the labels are supposed to show the different weeks of instruction. However, when I resize the agamotto (there's a feature where I can input "auto" in the height and it will automatically adjust so that the whole agamotto is showing) to fit the template of my site, the labels disappear.


Edit: I assume it's an issue with my LMS and not H5P, but just wanted to see if anyone had other ideas!

Agamotto starting point

Wednesday's picture

In Agamotto I would like to have the ability to set the starting 'slide' in an Agamotto stack.

It makes sense that it defaults to the first slide, obviously keep that, but I would like to be able to set to other points in the sequence (in my case I actually want it to start in the central position so the user can slide left or right). I thought this feature was there, but when I went to set it up I realised I must have been thinking of "Juxtaposition" not "Agamotto".



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