speak the words

Speak the Words - Excessive Wait Time between Voice Input and Question Feedback

febster's picture

Hi Guys!

Love the potential of the new 'Speak the Words' content type.

Currently though, there is a long delay between voice input and answer feedback.

Check out what's going on here.


Is this likely an H5P issue or my WP website? Is there a setting I need to change on my site?

The latest H5P update which had 'Speak the Words' examples seemed to work quite fast. Is this perhaps because European language input is faster than other Asian languages?

Speak the Words in Question sets / Multiple words as sets

As a language teacher, I really love the new Speak the Words content type, but I have got a feature request which will make the content type even more useful.

New vocabulary is usually taught an learned in units or sections, which means that learners learn a group of new words and not just one word at a time. Currently, I can only ask for one word of phrase. This means that if students should learn a set of 10 new words, I will have to create 10 individual h5ps, each including the single new vocab ...

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

speak the words --> add image option, add audio option

Avi Megiddo's picture

I am very excited to see the 'Speak the Words' task is now available and working with Chrome!  Amazing.

Now, if there were just an option to 'add image' as stimulus, and 'add audio' a wealth of content can be created for ESL and other subjects.

I would love to able to ask "What is this a picture of?"  "What is happening in the picture?"  "Say a noun/verb/adjective in the picture"

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
