Course Presentation

Course Presentation giving us errors after updating (Moodle)

This started after updating the H5P Course Presentation plugin. The update appeared to have failed however we can't get it working as expected. 

We have downloaded the test course presentation and uploaded to a test course.

The mesage was: Course Presentation was successfully uploaded! however there are still portions of this page not loading:

Can I transfer a complete course presentation into an interactive book?

I am using H5P within Moodle.

I have a handful of course presentations already created, and I see that I can have course presentations within my interactive books. I have transfered a course presentation into an interactive book by copying the H5P content. It worked for the most part, but the pictures and videos did not transfer. 

Is there a way to put my premade course presentations into an interactive book and maintain my photos and videos? 

CUSTOM CSS for each Course Presentation

webfuture's picture

CUSTOM CSS for each Course Presentation

With this feature you could customize your presentation on higher level.

Some beautiful examples i found on this websites:  

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
