Course Presentation

Полноэкранный режим в колонке

Нет возможности отображать их в полноэкранном размере. Хотя когда их отдельно добавляешь (не в колонке) - такая возможность есть. Если это возможно, добавьте такую ​​функцию.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Blackboard Ultra and Ungraded H5Ps

I am exploring how H5P content is deployed in a Blackboard Ultra course and have run into a problem.  I am familiar with the documentation at and confirm we are aligned correctly with that.  However, when I use the Books and Tools option to create an H5P content item, the new item is created with a gradebook item worth ten points.  There is no grading in the H5P so why is the gradebook creating a record for the item?
