Submit button for answers in course presentation mode - where'd it go?
I am like 90% sure there was a submit answer button in the summary slide for course presentations. This option is no longer there. Where'd it go? How do I get it back? Thanks!
I am like 90% sure there was a submit answer button in the summary slide for course presentations. This option is no longer there. Where'd it go? How do I get it back? Thanks!
I'm working on a game-like exercise in the Branching Scenario content type. It would really be helpful to have some sort of ability, maybe when setting up a branching question, to provide a means where a button click could send the user to 1 of a set of possible nodes.
I have problem with language packs.
If you have existing content and even if you update the H5P-plugin, update the Content Type Cache, and update the needed Libraries of the content type, it does not update the language packs to the latest version.
Only way seems to be to go and find the Content -> Edit it -> Change the language to something else -> Then change the language back -> Then save. And do this for every h5p-presentation you have.
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