Course Presentation

Unable to open Exported Text file in Chromebook


We are working with the course presentation content type on Moodle 3.5. When we click Export Text at the end of the presentation, the file was automatically downloaded as a .doc file and cannot be opened on Chromebook. 

I have attached screenshots of the download process and the file being not able to open. Is there a way to open the exported text file on Chromebook?

Thank you!

Can't create or edit Course Presentation and Interactive Video Content Types

Hi There,

We have a problem where the above content types are not working correctly on desktop across all browsers used (Chrome/IE/Firefox)

We do not know at what point the bug started except that it was some time after 8th October 2019.

The problem occurs using both H5P 1.20.1 and Moodle 3.5.9+ (PreProd)


H5P 1.17.2 and Moodle 3.5.7 (Prod)

Now, very importantly, the problem does not occur on our Dev Server, using H5P 1.20.1 and Moodle 3.5.9+

What happens on our Production and Preprod servers is that: 
