Drag and Drop

Have drop zone accept only one element out of several correct ones

papi Jo's picture


I've recently been confronted with the following situation, which has currently no solution in the Drag & Drop activity.

In a certain drop zone DZ0 I need to accept as correct one out of two draggable elements, E1 and E2.

If I set that drop zone to "This drop zone can only contain one element", I can drag either E1 or E2 into that zone, not more than one, of course. But then, the total score for the activity expects 2 elements to be dragged into drop zone DZ0. When only one element has been dragged, it's impossible to achieve a full correct score.

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Drop and Drag Activities for History Survey Courses


Here are a couple of drop and drag activities that I'm using to check student's understanding of the documents they are reading.

1. English Bill of Rights of 1689 - https://sites.berry.edu/csnider/2020/06/16/new-hp5-content-english-bill-of-rights-1689/

2. Japense Americans in World War II - https://sites.berry.edu/csnider/2021/06/07/new-h5p-drag-and-drop-activity/
