Drag and Drop

h5p file not found

Hello, I need you to guide me because I have not been able to solve the issue, I have investigated in documents and not found the answer, I am working on localhost, to present content, I have all the h5p plugins that I found installed in moodle, and when I do the activity and I try to call it to show it, I get this error, can someone tell me what happens? I would like to generate content without using the iframe of h5p.org but something more native to the platform, is there any way or it depends on the server and iframes external, thank you!

Moodle 3.9.6+

How can I make Drag and Drop responsive?


When creating a drag and drop content on WordPress, the view of the task area on mobile becomes tiny (attached). Is there a way to avoid this? Maybe choosing a different task size or image size?

My current setting is this:

Task size: 1240 x 640 -> https://i.imgur.com/oOo5yMj.png

Box size: 92 x 26 -> https://i.imgur.com/vz9X5KO.png 

Display Issue (Drag and Drop)

Having a display issue with a Drag and Drop content type.

Upon loading the H5P, it is displaying cut off on the right-hand side within Canvas.

If I click on the 'full screen' arrows in the upper right and then click on them to exit fullscreen, the H5P will display correctly.

This is happening on a Desktop inside Canvas using the embed code.
Browser: Firefox
Screenshots are attached.

