Drag and Drop

Alternative answers

  • Alternative answers are separated with a forward slash (/).


Now, two words are possible in a sentence, but what if we need to have two combinations of two or more words? like:

bla bla bla A B bla bla

bla bla bla B A bla bla

Now, is possible to choose between a word or another, but we need to be able to choose between a pair of words or another.





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Sound effects on HTML events



I'd like to be able to integrate custom HTML event handling into for example Drag and Drop question sets. In other words do something based on an action taken. For example:

1. Play a sound effect when element A is dropped on the correct zone or not.

2. Check answer and provide feedback when element dropped on zone.

Basically this is current H5P Drag and Drop behaviour, but with some level of custom event handling.

Is there a way to do this in H5P already?
