Drag and Drop

Interactive History Video in French / exemple de H5P en français



I'm a middle school teacher who discovered H5P during the French national lockdown. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this great educative tool that is H5P. 

I'd like to give back to the community by sharing an Interactive Video I made for my 12 year-olds about the Reformation, which got good feedback. It features a ready-to-use example of Drag'n'Drop, and it's all good regarding copyright.

I hope someone finds it inspirational, thanks again for H5P.

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Editing the content code directly

Hi. I'm trying to create a drag and drop text type of question but using the front end iterface seems difficult for making the drop zones and text boxes sizes/positions exactly as I want them by dragging. Can anyone tell me if there's any way I can edit the code directly and then paste/upload it back there. For example, in Wordpress there's an option to switch between visual editing and code editing.

I'm using H5P in Moodle 3.9 (not the H5P Moodle plugin).


'The connection was reset' on WordPress when creating an activity


I am using WordPress 5.4.2 with verison 1.15 of the H5P plugin. When using WordPress I am on Firefox desktop version 77.

Using Firefox and Chrome, I have tried to add a new H5P activity. I can go through the steps to put together an activity, but when I press 'Create' after a while, I eventually get a page saying 'The connection was reset'. I have tried Drag and Drop, Text Drag and Drop and both activities have this problem.
