Interactive Video

Videos from Vimeo

werro30's picture


I have a problem adding videos from Vimeo to Interactive video content type. It seems, that H5P doesn't support links from Vimeo. Our university has Vimeo Pro Unlimited account there and we keep our recordings there. For instance, we tried to add this video to Interactive video content and it didn't support it, although it says, that Vimeo Pro should be supported. Could you please help or give some advise, how can we use Vimeo videos with H5P?

Embedded interactive video - full screen button not appearing

Hi there, the full screen button is missing on course presentations and interactive videos embedded in Captivate when running on Firefox and Safari on desktop and Chrome and Safari on the iPad.


Platform and version number. E.g. Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle.

H5P created in Wordpress 4.9.7.

Embedded in Captivate 2017 as a web object. Captivate web object settings -

Mobile or Desktop


Only allow submit answers when all questions are answered

I am confused why I can submit answers to questions I have not answered yet. Once I click the submit answers button I can not submit again, and it lets me "complete" an interactive video after answering the first question no matter how many exist.

It also would be very beneficial to be able to customize the behavior of the submit answers window. For example, I don't need a summary of the questions, a button that says "Complete this course" with customizable text would be perfect.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
