Interactive Video

Copying Interactive Videos

Hi, I'm trying to use an existing h5p file of an interactive video to copy. I upload the h5p file, but then it just infinitely loads. In testing I've had it keep "loading" for 6+ hours.

This is on Moodle. I'm using Chrome on desktop. The Interactive Video version is up to date as far as I know. This has worked fine for me in the past so I am very confused. I've attached a screenshot of the loading screen I am talking about as well as one of the h5p files I have tested with.

Problems with Updating H5P Files in Wordpress

Hello all,

we have problems with several H5P files...

We created the H5P files with Lumi and then uploaded them to wordpress with the H5P plugin installed.

Unfortunately we can't change the uploaded files online in wordpress afterwards or we can't update them.

Addendum: Even H5P files created directly via the Wordpress plugin can no longer be updated.

Do you have a solution?

Many greetings


Interactive video - drag the words not working


I've started experiencing a bug in my Interactive Videos. Specifically, Drag the Words interactions don't "snap" into the areas where they're supposed to be matched. I've recorded a video illustrating this (you'll see that it works once with one of the words but then stops working again). The feature used to work just fine. I noticed that there was a recent update the Interactive Video, and it seems that the bug started after the update.
