Interactive Video

Cloudflare for Interactive Video

Hi there,

I posted in the "featured request" section over a week ago and have not got any response as of yet. So i'm posting here to see if anyone has any insight.


Is there no way you can support Cloudflare Video?

Currently we ar limitted to Youtube, Vimeo etc. And the extension needs to end with .mp4. This is so restricitive in my opnion. Cloudflare video is far more superior than Vimeo when it comes video delivery. And Youtube just does not cut it, as video are not private.

[Interactive Video]"full screen" button dissapears when viewed in smaller screen mobile device

There's a glitch in a interactive video where, if the video is viewed in smaller screen size phone (For ex: Iphone SE) , the "full screen" button dissapears.

For example when I view this H5P content emebedded in WordPress on Iphone SE (both using Chrome and Safari):
