Quiz (Question Set)

True/False question type in Quiz (Question Set) in Moodle

  1. Moodle version 3.8
  2. Desktop
  3. Chrome
  4. H5P plugin version 1.21.0
  5. H5P content type (True/False Question) version 1.6.5
  6. no browser console error. The quiz just doesn't displayed after click save and display.
  7. no php errors
  8. moodle has just been upgraded from v3.3 to v3.8.

When set up H5P activity in Moodle, select Quiz (Question Set). select True/False Question type and configure the question accordingly. After click save and display, the quiz will not be displayed.

LearnDash 'H5P points message'

Dear H5P team,

I noticed that when inserting H5P content into the LearnDash Quizes pages, a message 'H5P content points:'(see image below) is displayed underneat the message. Is it possible to remove this message? I wasn't able to use custom CSS as this affected other LD quizes, which didn't have H5P in them. 

Apologies if this is not the correct place to ask this question. 

Best wishes,



