
Interactive video

Sincere apologies if this has already been answered but I am somewhat of a newbie to H5P...

Has the Interactive video activity been removed from the list of activities I can create in my .org account?

It appears in most of the online tutorials but I can't see it in the list.

I ask because I work for an educational organisation that uses Panopto and I'm really interested to see what can be done with it.

Thanks in advance!


When submitting answers to questions in Interactive Video, not all buttons are shown (Retry, Show Solution, Continue)

When adding Multiple Choice or Single Choice questions to an interactive video, I want all buttons to be shown after submitting an answer, in particular these under "Behavourial settings": Enable "Retry" button & Enable "Show Solution button".

Neither button is displayed when I test in Firefox (81.0.2) or Chrome (86.0.4240.75).

I copied the multiple choice question item from the sample interactive video (on the website) into my own video and then the buttons are displayed properly and work as planned.
