
Title Posted
Interactive video 2018/02/15 – 21:37
Hi mack!Wordpress sits on top 2018/02/15 – 18:49
Hi cchantzis!As far as I can 2018/02/15 – 18:43
thank you for your reply! 2018/02/15 – 18:31
It's something to do with the 2018/02/15 – 17:52
translate libraries to greek 2018/02/15 – 17:29
Interactive video - Multiple choice quiz 2018/02/15 – 17:20
Hi,Thanks for your quick 2018/02/15 – 17:05
After a bit more testing, the 2018/02/15 – 16:27
Thanks BV52,The problems 2018/02/15 – 15:33
Hi Niko,From the screenshot 2018/02/15 – 15:25
Hi akaskens,Can you please 2018/02/15 – 14:57
Hi skshed,In order to give 2018/02/15 – 14:45
Hi Sadia,I'm not really sure 2018/02/15 – 14:36
not saving the results of a quiz in interactive videos 2018/02/15 – 14:27
thanks! 2018/02/15 – 14:14
1 2018/02/15 – 12:21
Thanks for such a quick reply 2018/02/15 – 11:13
On debugger mode - moodle 2018/02/15 – 10:09
perfect. thank you for 2018/02/15 – 09:43
Thank you for letting us know 2018/02/15 – 08:57
Hi TCPE,Please read my answer 2018/02/15 – 06:44
Hi TCPE,I was able to insert 2018/02/15 – 06:44
Hi akaskens,I'll answer your 2018/02/15 – 06:36
Hi Michael,I'm glad it's 2018/02/15 – 06:22
Hi kbelanga,I'm afraid this 2018/02/15 – 06:21
Hi ericp20,I visited the site 2018/02/15 – 06:19
Hi Albert,Thanks a lot for 2018/02/15 – 06:09
Hi maude,If you are planning 2018/02/15 – 06:05
Hi rocknrollstar2000,I 2018/02/15 – 04:16
...and here is a shot from an 2018/02/15 – 04:02
Hi BV52,I've attached a 2018/02/15 – 00:26
Many thanks, but i think i've 2018/02/14 – 22:31
Hi utest94!This is also an 2018/02/14 – 21:02
Thank you for the reply fnoks 2018/02/14 – 20:15
Just to confirm 2018/02/14 – 17:23
Hi,I just installed the 2018/02/14 – 15:46
Hi utest94!The error you're 2018/02/14 – 09:11
Hi loccoli,Can you please 2018/02/14 – 08:19
Hi cwhlin,You are correct the 2018/02/14 – 08:17
Hi PROFEL_DECOSTA,Can please 2018/02/14 – 08:10
Hi,I am sending your comment 2018/02/14 – 08:08
H5 & S3 2018/02/14 – 08:06
Hi,I have commented this here 2018/02/14 – 08:02
Hi Sven,You are correct the 2 2018/02/14 – 08:01
Hi papi Jo,Thank you for 2018/02/14 – 07:57
Site is secured with HTTPS but error still occurs 2018/02/14 – 02:54
ACERCA DEL TUTORIAL 2018/02/13 – 18:21
Hi,I downloaded and tried to 2018/02/13 – 15:59
Download and Upload 2018/02/13 – 15:42
