dialog cards rich text editor


It could be interesting to have a rich text editor for Title, Task description, question and answer.

So we can change color font, font size, style...

Also add multiple images for question and answer and audio file...



Content types: 
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BV52's picture

Hi Fablin,

For the first concern you can accomplish this by using a PHP hook to alter/add your own CSS style to the content. You can view the doumentation here.

For the second request I suggest that you place a little more detail also give a few possible usage. This way it may create a buzz in the community.


My concern about dialog cards is that I can only insert 1 image and I can't choose where this image will appear on the card.

For question and answer fields, I would like to be able to add many images within 1 card and place these images wherever I want. Is it possible to add an image button in the editor toolbar ? This button will open a dialog box to insert an image 


BV52's picture

Hi Fabrice,

This is a good suggestion, I was thinking that instead of the word being the answer it could be the other way around. You pick the picture which best describe the word or something to that effect.


I would like to add  images both for question and answer