Capability to export interactive videos for use with AR


I am currently investigating using AR in several projects and someone has suggested using Interactive videos within an AR product.

Currently, the Interactive videos are downloadable as hp5 resources only, but it would be good if there were any way to be able to export these as mp4/avi etc.. so that these could then be used with software such as Aurasma to make the AR videos interactive on smart devices.


Content types: 
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otacke's picture

Hi Wullie!

I think I don't quite understand your intention.

With the interactive video content type of H5P, you will be able to create interactive videos. You basically augment a static video with interactive elements. It is not possible to retain that interactivity in a video format such as mp4.

There's a prototype for an AR content type for H5P though, but it will take some time until it's finished.

At the moment I'm using visual triggers to play videos on mobile devices. I am looking for a way to make the video that plays interactive  (e.g. with links, comments, questions) to verify understanding while the video plays.

Unfortunately, it looks like most AR sites only accept standard video types  (which is understandable).

I hope that makes more sense.

otacke's picture

Hi Wullie!

You have come to the right place then. H5P can do exactly that. Unfortunately, the other part is valid, too. You cannot export interactivity to an mp4 file.




How can i convert my h5p file to another file? 

The imoox accepts all these only but not the h5p file and i don't know what to do. There is no option to change it to another type.

Accepted file types:

  • Video file (AVI) .avi
  • Video file (FMP4) .fmp4
  • Video file (M4V) .m4v
  • Video file (MOV) .mov
  • Video file (MP4) .mp4
  • Video file (MPEG) .mpeg
  • Video file (MPG) .mpg
  • Video file (OGV) .ogv
  • Video file (WEBM) .webm
  • Video file (WMV) .wmv
  • Video files natively supported by browsers .fmp4 .m4v .mov .mp4 .ogv .webm
  • Video files used on the web .avi .f4v .flv .fmp4 .m4v .mov .mp4 .mpe .mpeg .mpg .ogv .qt .swf .swfl .ts .webm

A desperative classmate

otacke's picture


You cannot convert interactive H5P content into a non-interactive video format.

