New content type: Display Random Item

otacke's picture

This is a feature request sent to me via email (server issues when posting).

New content type: Display Random Item

I would love a 'thing' that would allow a creator to produce a random element from a predefined list of items.

Creator view (editor similar to dialog cards or memory game):

  1. create an array of items (text or images) in the editor interface 
  2. add a short (optional) description text below the image
  3. option to keep items on the list to display multiple times per session or flag as 'seen' on display (i.e. single use)

Student view (interface similar to dialog cards or individual tiles in the memory game): 

  1. press a button on the screen to start
  2. a random item from the list is displayed on screen
  3. the (optional) text description appears below the item
    [alternatively, on start, like in the memory game, display a random item from the list face down, then the user clicks to reveal the item on the other side]
  4. click a button to clear the screen and start the process of picking another random item from list

Why would I love this?  

  • In classroom activities, it's useful for randomly picking 'volunteers' for tasks 
  • Picking a random topic for writing or discussion tasks
  • Giving random clues for a puzzle task
  • Provide idea prompts for creative tasks
  • Random numbers for maths tasks

... the possibilities, as they say, are endless.


Randomness already exists in the memory game, the rest is basically adapted dialog cards. -- Shouldn't be too hard to build this?

 This activity suggestion was inspired by

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Thanks for posting this for me.

Who knew that the H5P site doesn't support something as ubiquitous as emojis ... wow! ;)

BV52's picture

Hi jdewitz,

Thank you for your insight. I think the reason behind this was to make the contents as simple as possible. Although I think you have a point with how emojis are widely used now a days. We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


papi Jo's picture

Personally I think it's a relief. Far too many smileys & emojis all over the internet.

I'd like to second the request for "select random 5 from list of 10"... which is available in the Memory game, but not in the dragging Image Match. I'm also hoping to use a "select random x from list y" in a form of hidden objects game (using the Hotspot tool). For our purposes, the randomness adds to the intrigue, and reduces the amount of setup maintenance time required to keep the tools fresh. I like to be able to build a stack of options then move on to the next new adventure.

(Emojis are fun, but I wouldn't call them germain to a resource site - and I'm _loving_ these H5P resources!)

roblespar's picture

Hi otacke

This is a much-needed content type. Please make most of the features optional.
Also please add a timer so that it picks a new random item to display every x seconds.

roblespar's picture

Hi otacke

This is a much-needed content type. Please make most of the features optional.
Also please add a timer so that it picks a new random item to display every x seconds.

otacke's picture

Hi Robert!

A feature request does not necessarily mean it will be done by the H5P core team. H5P is open source software, and everyone in the community is welcome to pick up issues and work on them - I'm currently not planning to work on this one.

