Resume feature in Documentation Tool

It would be very helpful to be able to have a user start with the documentation tool, pause and be given further instruction and then resume the use of the Documentation Tool where they left off. I'd like to request this as a feature in a future release please.



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Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
tomaj's picture

Hi Smartasc, thanks for your suggestion! It's noted.

- Tom

johappel's picture

The tool is best suited for complex and constructivist tasks and should be given more priority. Students' input must be saved and editable. It would be important if  we have a WYSIWYG text field and a fileupload for the default pages. (excuse my bad english).

tim's picture

Hi, that's a good point. I've increased the priority on this feature request. I hope a developer from the community will pick this feature request up.

johappel's picture

Vielen dank! Das ist großartig.

empeiria's picture

We could use this Tool for learning journeys, student tasks and even in teacher education if there was a way to save your progress and to edit it with an editor that allows hyperlinks and/or oembeds. Could be established as a great tool for the production of #OER (open educational resources).   

papi Jo's picture

This question has already been asked in this discussion:

After having read, the initial questions seems to me unadressed: is it possible for users to pause and resume later? That would be mandatory for us to use it, the way we would like.

I am aware that there can't be various goals because it gets messy. I am only asking about the possibility that learners don't fill out all the questions in the documentation tool at once - but at various moments of their learning.

BV52's picture

Hi Annette,

Currently the save content state is not yet integrated in the Documentation Tool.


any ideas if it will? Without it, the documentation tool for us is not helpful. Although I love the feature!

sbarab's picture

It would be great if document tool would save in word press

yes, yes, yes!

BV52's picture

Hi sbarab/Annette,

Thank you for your inputs. We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


This would be great. pausing / resuming if a student want to go back to the course to check something etc.

Has there been any movement on providing the save / resume feature? This tool is really great in theory, but the lack of this feature makes it completely useless in practice. 

I am looking forward to the 'supporter program' coming in, but it seems like this feature has been requested numerous times since 2016 - I'm not sure if we need a supporter program to establish that it is needed ;)

BV52's picture

Hi sfokt,

I'm afraid this has not been implemented yet. I agree that it has been requested several times although the core team can only do so much. The good thing about H5P is that it is open source so anyone can add the features.


marina.bosco's picture

I also add my vote for having pause/resume (partial saving) function and an area where save documents (moodle).

Thanks everybody 


Hi, I know it's been discussed to add the save feature - however, the tool is essentially not functioning without being able to save progress. H5P ROCKS, but this tool, which could be so powerful, needs a save progress feature :(

Thanks for listening. 

otacke's picture


It's unfortunately one of the features that have already been implemented by someone in the community ( without the resources on the Core Team's side to review and release them. But: Joubel is looking for three new developers, and I am pretty sure that things will speed up as soon as they found someone.



Paul Sijpkes's picture

I just wanted to add my name to the list of people asking to implement this. We have had to go to and editable PDF solution in our insitution because this tool does not deliver the expected behaviour. The submit document option also does not seem to work.

Would love to use this tool to have students fill out this document as they progress through the course but the course can take days and even weeks.

As this feature is designed to support learners in creating extended pieces of writing, it is essential for it to have a save feature so that they can do part of the work and come back to it later.

pskulski's picture

Save / resume, file upload and availability for review of the content (wip 7 completed - via Moodle forum or wiki perhaps?)

Add this, and you have a perfect tool for open learning.

Will somebody estimate a funding needed, please? There should be no problem with crowdfunding it.