Branching Scenario - Please remove the word limit for answer options


Branching Scenario is very easy to use. Good job!

Curently there is word limit on the answer option. Can it be removed? 


Branching Scenario - Please remove the word limit for answer options
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BV52's picture

Hi ucalgarycme,

Would you mind teling us specifically you want the limit to be removed or at least expanded? Are you pertaining to the branching option?


Thank you for your follow-up. We feel branching scenario is very easy to use for building case exercise. What we found frustrating is, when our branched options are quite long in descrption, they seemed getting cut-off because over the word limit? See the screenshot I attached. (Sorry I haven't figured out how to download a H5P brancing scenario file.)

For your reference, we are using H5P in CME/CPD online modules. Because a lot of cases are about physician-patient conversations or patient management process, the answer options could be long / heavy-text. 

Similar situation happened before when we used H5P type of essay. Our built-in feedback was long and got cut-off. Anyway, I believe the developer updated the word limit for that h5p type.

Anyway, I don't know the difference for developer end regarding increasing the word limit vs totally removing word limit. From user perspective, would be great if there is no word limit. :)



Thank you for your follow-up. We feel branching scenario is very easy to use for building case exercise. What we found frustrating is, when our branched options are quite long in descrption, they seemed getting cut-off because over the word limit? See the screenshot I attached. (Sorry I haven't figured out how to download a H5P brancing scenario file.)

For your reference, we are using H5P in CME/CPD online modules. Because a lot of cases are about physician-patient conversations or patient management process, the answer options could be long / heavy-text. 

Similar situation happened before when we used H5P type of essay. Our built-in feedback was long and got cut-off. Anyway, I believe the developer updated the word limit for that h5p type.

Anyway, I don't know the difference for developer end regarding increasing the word limit vs totally removing word limit. From user perspective, would be great if there is no word limit. :)



BV52's picture

Hi Chloe,

Thank you for the additional information. The Branching Scenario is still in the "Beta" state and there are still some issues to be straightened out and planned features to be added. Having said this an additional feature that is not part of the current plan may still be a long ways to go not unless someone from the community contributes the code.

My coding skills are novice at best but let me take a crack at it over the weekend and see where it goes ;-)
