Branching scenario content type, release?

nadavkav's picture

Hello H5P team,

Around the time of the H5P 2018 conference, I was reading a lot about the branching scenario content type.

Did you release that new branching scenario content type ? as I can not find it on the h5p web site.



BV52's picture

Hi Nadav,

If I'm not mistaken it is already in the final testing phase so it should be out within the month or next month.


nadavkav's picture

Thank you for the unofficial information.

Looking forward to read the official release, when the time comes :-)

I notice the Branching Scenario content type is still marked "Beta". Any idea when it's going to be declared "in production"?

Cheers, Isobel

BV52's picture

Hi Isobel,

No timeline yet since there are still some bugs to be fixed and features to be added.


Thanks for your reply BVF2,

Can you share some details of the bugs - do they affect the authoring process only, or will they impact learners as well? I'm keen to expose some content to a small group of learners so if the bugs can be worked around that would be good to know.

Best regards, Isobel

Hi BV52,

Thanks for your reply. Do you have a list of the bugs you could share? We're keen to understand how they impact authors and learners, in case we can work around them. We'd like to pilot the content type with a group of learners. 

Thanks! Isobel

BV52's picture

Hi Isobel,

I'm afraid I do not have a list but you can check them in the public tracker.


Hi BV52,

We've been using a branching scenario plugin to create training videos. But between preparing slides and viewing them in the plugin and then previewing them the text gets formatted incorrectly as you can see in this screenshots.

Is there any way we can stop this happening? Is the plugin due to get an update and come out of Beta testing? We're using it heavily on our website and would love to have a smooth running version asap.

Thanks for any help, insight or answers :-)
