H5P.org Embed Option to be Limited

mibarge's picture


When selecting embed today (H5P.org) the following message appears: 'H5P.org is only for trying out H5P. The embed option will be limited soon.'

Does this mean the embed option is scheduled for removal? If so, please could you let us know when? Also, are other limitations planned for content creation using H5P.org?

Thanks for providing this great service.

All the best,


Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Martin,

Just to give you a bit of insight why the message. About a week ago embed was temporarily turned off because the server almost crashed due to the volume traffic. You can read more about the details here.

To answer your question:

Embed is planned to be turned off for those with the most traffic, for the timeline I am not sure when. There are also plans to have embed disabled for all new contents created. The core team is also considering turning off creating of contents to new users or limiting the number of contents that can be created.

H5P.org was never meant to host contents for users which is why there is limited server capacity. It was designed as a way to test H5P before installing the plugin in Moodle, Drupal or Wordpress or signing up for a subscription in H5P.com



mibarge's picture

Hi BV,

Thanks very much for the information and for the link to the details about the server load issue. We actually have the H5P plugin on our VLE, but I also use H5P.org for showing students how to use it as part of a course.

I think limiting the number of contents users can create is a good idea, for example to create a maximum number of each content type (e.g. 2 of each) so that they can try each out. 

I guess the problem with embed is that the load on the server depends on numbers of users accessing the content, rather than the quanity of content made by any particular user per se. So maybe you could set it so that each user has a maximum allowance of embeds.


BV52's picture

Hi Martin,

Thank you for your suggestions, these will be considered when the cored team decides on what the next course of action for creating/embedding contents in H5P.org.


apb21's picture


Some colleagues at work and I have created a number of H5P. org resources and used the embed code to add them to our Moodle courses in the past. Would it be possible to know if the embed code will continue to function when it's disabled, please. 

Many thanks


apb21's picture


I have created a number of H5P resources using the embded code and added them to my Moodle course. Would you be able to inform if current content with embed code will continue to function when it's disabled, please. 

Many thanks


BV52's picture

Hi Ana,

Honestly I can't say what the core team will decide. They would have to find a way to still let users "try" the features of H5P in H5P.org without sacrificing the stability of the site. Embedding has been a big factor in slowing the site down to a point when it almost shut down completely a week ago. However there are no plans in the near future to delete existing contents. I suggest though that you take the necessary steps to ensure that you don't lose your contents and the time spent in making them. Since you are using Moodle it is pretty easy to install the plugin and migrate your contents from H5P.org to Moodle.


apb21's picture

Hello BV

I would like to thank you for your reply. I will be folowing your advice.

Best wishes



apb21's picture

Hello BV

As an institution we run slightly behind the latest released version of Moodle, currently 3.5, for stability purposes. Our upgrades occur in July each year, as the most optimal period. Our next upgrade in July 2020 will support the H5P plugin. Would you be able to inform if all ‘registered’ users would receive notification if content was to be ‘purged’, in case we need to explore an interim alternative should this be between now and July 2020. Thank you.


BV52's picture

Hi Ana,

There are no plans to delete any contents since in most cases this only takes up space but not really create issues with bandwith. In terms of the embed I'm not sure but I will bring this up with the core team that if they do decide to turn it off (not as an emergency) they will notify all users.


apb21's picture

Thank you very much BV!