drag the words multiple solutions

villon's picture

Moin moin

I've tried to make some worksheets for my students, to learn the sentence parts, just like subject, predicate and different objects. And so i wish different markings for different things in "drag the words" are there any suggestions?



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papi Jo's picture

Hi villon,

It would help us understand what you want to achieve if you gave a more detailed concrete example of your "worksheet".

villon's picture

Thanks papi Jo for the fast reply,

So I'll try to explain my plans.

Out of one sentence or text, I want to generate an exercise, where the students have to drag the different sentence parts into the right gaps.  In "drag the word" I can only choose one typ of words and mark them with *example-word* so that they are dragable. Maybe it's possible to use other special characters like &example-word&, so that I can use more categories in the same sentence and exercise.

I'll hope I could explain it clear enough?

Best wishes villon

BV52's picture

Hi Villon,

Do I understand it correctly that you need something like a variable in the answer. E.g. This is/are a sentence, both 'is' and 'are' are draggables and only one is correct. Or do you need something like arrange the words werein the students arranges a set of words using the draggables such as this test content.


villon's picture

Dear BV52

No, you didn't understand that correctly. I want to have different types of clauses in an exercise.



villon's picture

Dear supporters,

maybe it has to be more visible. just like this. Any kind of colour/type of sentence part in the same exercise should be dragable.



BV52's picture

Hi Villon,

How different is this with the test content I provided? 


villon's picture

Dear BV52

It differs to your solution, that the place is decisive for the correct solution of the task and not the type of element.


papi Jo's picture

Hi villon,

Do you want something like this?

villon's picture

Hi papi Jo

that looks fine and just like i want to do it. How did you made this?


BV52's picture

Hi villon,

Papi Jo used the Drag and Drop content type.

@Papi Jo thanks for the tip ;-)


villon's picture

Hi Papi Jo and BV52

I see, there is a solution, thanks to you. But I'm not satisfied with this. There should be a way, to use "drag the word" ,
instead of taking the detour through graphics by allowing multiple types of solutions that belong to the same sentence.
And if I do not always find the most polite and appropriate tone, please excuse me, because neither my knowledge of javascript nor my English are very good.


BV52's picture

Hi Villon,

I agree although until someone from the community creates an actually solution I think Papi Jo's workaround should work.

BTW no need for apologies ;-)


Hello, I have a similar request. I want to rise the difficulty of the exercise and offer multiple words for each word place-holder
For each *good answer* I'd like to be able to add detractors.
Maybe separate the words by a pipe with the first one being the correct one.
For instance:

H5P content may be edited using a *browser|app|microwave*.
H5P content is *interactive|static|plain\+Correct! \-Incorrect, try again!\*

otacke's picture


There's a pull request for that feature at https://github.com/h5p/h5p-drag-text/pull/51. Hopefully, the H5P will find time to review it eventually.



In drag the words I need option of 3 option correct for single drop box , can I do this.

otacke's picture


The instructions in the editor say

  • For every empty spot there is only one correct word.

I want to achieve such type of quiz : https://prnt.sc/XbUH-S9yCoaT I tried Drag and drop also but there is no 'show solution' button . Can you suggest how can I achieve this. 


Just wanted to let you guys know that I am looking at the same as OP and I agree with OP that it's not elegant to have a workaround with images. There absolutely should be the option to have multiple solutions per field. E. g. "select all european cities from the available below" in the drag and drop content mode.

papi Jo's picture

You can do that in Drag and Drop, NOT in Drag the words.

otacke's picture

It would be quite simple to add that feature to Drag the Words, too, in order to allow correct alternative solutions (separated with / as in Fill in the Blanks). Since some content will use the / though, one should allow to escape it, e.g. by using a backslash. The only thing that will require some caution/is a little tedious is the upgrade script for existing content that would need to replace a / with its escaped version inside a draggable declaration, because one would need to parse the answer text.

papi Jo's picture

In my hacked version of  Drag the Words 'papi Jo' version 1.0.15. you can add multiple alternative correct answers for the draggable words.

See the Documentation on my Drupal/H5P Test site and examples in the Demo Book Drag the Words 'papi Jo' page 10.

otacke's picture

As I said: Adding that feature per se is probably work for 30 minutes. But if you cannot start with a clean slate and need to upgrade existing content, the upgrade script is what will take some time (if one doesn't want to deviate from how it's done currently without any 3rd party utilities).

otacke's picture


I have contributed the code that is required to add this feature. I cannot tell if and when the H5P core team is going to use this code. Please follow up with them or check the pull request or check the respective ticket for updates.
