What happened to "add audio" and 'drag and drop" in course presentation?

Where did the option to add "audio" and create a "drag and drop" to course presentations go?

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi jbyork,

The test drive feature on H5P.org is intended for users who are trying out H5P for the first time. We are experimenting with limiting the number of content types available to make the test drive experience less overwhelming for new users. To access all H5P content types and use H5P for real see the getting started page.


Does it mean we can't continue working with this option?. I don't understand the last part of your explanation. sorry

BV52's picture

Hi iguerendiain,

You can still use all the content types by either installing the plugin in Wordpress, Drupal or Moodle or signing up to H5P.com. You can head over to the getting started page for information.