Export interactive video from branched scenario


I know people have raised similar questions regarding exporting a video.

However I'd like to copy/export an interactive video that I created within a Branched Scenario as a standalone interactive video. Is that possible? or do I have to create the interactive video again?




BV52's picture

Hi jagv,

In the Branching Scenario Editor if you click on the gear icon in the branching board (don't have a better word for it), you should have an option to copy the Interactive Video.


Hi BV,

I meant that I want to move it out of the branchign scenario and only have it as the 'interactive video content type'. Unfortunately I should not have created it in the branching scenario, as that adds too many other 'things' that I don't need on the front end.

But if it's the same as what you're saying, I know I can copy the video, but from what I can see, I can only paste it in the branched scenario. I want to take it OUT of the branched scenario.


BV52's picture

Hi Jag,

Actually you can paste it outside of Branching Scenario. Check my quick screen recording here.


Oh wow. That's amazing! Awesome, just saved me a lot of hours of re-doing!


Thanks for that.