Instalación en Moodle y Wordpress

Hola, una consulta, cuando instale el plugin todos los contenidos que yo cree en mi LMS serán públicos al igual que al crearlos en la página o hay alguna manera de colocarlos privados?

BV52's picture

Hi Hecsil,

If you create your contents in they are public. However if you install H5P in Moodle, Wordpress or Drupal, you have total control over your contents and it will be up to your settings if they are public or private.


Muchas gracias por la respuesta y existe posibilidad de descargar las actividades que se realicen?

BV52's picture

Hi Hecsil.

Sí, you can download the contents created in by clicking on the "reuse" button at bottom of the content. You can then upload that file into Moodle, Drupal or Wordpress.


ok muchas gracias

Hello! I have the latest version of Moodle 3.10 installed, but I can't find the H5P exercises. There is the H5P icon under "activities", but I don't see the different exercises to choose which one to do. Do I have to upload a plugin? Thank you.

BV52's picture

Hi Spanish Aula,

What you are seeing is the H5P integration to the Moodle core. This is a partial integration and does not yet include all the features offered by the plugin but works better with the Moodle app. You can download the plugin here. I also highly suggest that you check this documentaiton.