error in Timeline


I think there is a problem in timeline, i tried on the Moodle I use and here, I think is a coding problem.

If I try to use "eras", the headline shows correctly, but "Text Era body" seems to be perfectly useless: the text I put in the form doesn't show anywere... If you look at the images, I put a text but it doesn't appears in the timeline.

Thank you




Content types: 


I checked the library used and era shouldn't have content, only title.

I created an issue in github :

BV52's picture

Hi Degrange,

Thank you for checking this!


Thank you

I think the error is in the form, because there is the possibility to insert era body text.

If I look to the code generated, I can see that there is a commented javascript where the era body text appears... it looks as if someone removed it from the output but not from the input.

H5PIntegration =


\"era\":[{\"text\":\"<div>Era Body Text Test<\\\/div>\\n\",\"startDate\":\"0\",\"endDate\":\"1000\",\"headline\":\"ERA Test\"}],\"height\":600}}","fullScreen":"1",




Hi togehter,

we have this problem as well on your Moodle with "Timeline".

Are there any news?

Thank you!



BV52's picture

Hi Linda,

I'm afraid there are no updates on this issue. You can head over the link that degrange shared for any updates on the issue.


Hi BV,

okay, thank you so far :)
