Start sharing your OER

The H5P OER Hub is not fully ready yet, but we can now start sharing our OER so that when we officially release, the Hub won’t be empty.

In order to enable Hub sharing, you must be on, Moodle (using the official plugin, not the core version) or Drupal 7.

After you have registered, you may start sharing your content. You will also be able to see content others have shared via the H5P authoring tool. For, the button for sharing your content is in the content options:

For Drupal and Moodle, the location of the button depends on the theme, but it should be easy to spot when looking at the content you would like to share as an author. In Moodle, it may look like this:

The sharing process is straightforward and we do recommend adding as much metadata as possible!

What to do next?