Bugs in dictation

Bugs in dictation:

Hey everyone! We want to dictate sentences in the Dictation, but there's a bug that students can pause the voice, so we can't analyze their auditory memories.

So I suggest to dear H5P to give us teachers the authority for applying this option or not.

Love & Peace!


There's a bug that students can pause the voice, so we can't analyze their auditory memories.
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BV52's picture

Hi Mahdi.a.m,

This is definitely not a bug rather a feature request. The pause option is a feature of the content.

Note: Moved the post to the feature request forum.


otacke's picture

Hi all!

This is in fact a feature request, not a bug :-)

I have just added the necessary code for this feature. Please note, however, that I am not part of the H5P core team and cannot publish updates to the H5P Hub. You will either have to build a content library from the source code yourself or hope that the H5P core team will find some time to publish the update (maybe with the next update to H5P.Question that the latest version of Dictation uses). BV may help with informing the H5P core team.


BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Thanks! I created a ticket for review: https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-3464


Thank you BV52 for helping!

Hope you to succeed at work and life

otacke's picture

Thanks BV!

I don't think that the H5P core will review all the additions that Dictation got lately separately (but only give it a test run as my content type has already been released), but that ticket should do.

