Unable to update from h5p.org
Submitted by adminsdn on Tue, 07/19/2022 - 17:14
Hello! Please, help! Unable to update from h5p.org Error:
Execute scheduled task: Get available H5P content types from h5p.org (core\task\h5p_get_content_types_task)
... started 16:25:01. Current memory use 15.5 Mb.
... used 25 dbqueries
... used 63.141677856445 seconds
Scheduled task failed: Download available H5P content types from h5p.org (core\task\h5p_get_content_types_task),Coding error detected, this must be fixed by the developer: moodle_database::update_record_raw() id field must be specified.
Moodle 3.11.8 (Build: 20220711)
Tue, 07/19/2022 - 19:09
Hi adminsdn,The version of
Hi adminsdn,
The version of H5P that yo are using was not developed by the H5P core team, instead this was developed by Moodle core. I suggest that you post your question in the Moodle forums.
Additonaly as a general rule cross posting the in the forums is not advisable.
Tue, 07/19/2022 - 20:21
Thanks for the answer. Sorry
Thanks for the answer. Sorry for the cross posting. I thought my first message was not publicized.
Wed, 07/20/2022 - 07:36
Hi!A thread discussing this
A thread discussing this topic can be found at https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=434939#p1750172