Iframe embedding of Speak the Words set in Interactive Book (Moodle 4)

Hi there,

I am creating an Interactive book and wish to add Speak the Words Set as an activity. However, this activity type is not among the available activities in Interactive book; so I try to embed it through Iframe Embedder. At this point, I am having problem locating the local h5p file; I've tried several things to locate and embed but I failed every time.

Could anyone guide me on how I can locate and embed that file and tell me what adjustments I need to do, in order to make it work.

Thank you in advance.



BV52's picture

Hi Tumer,

First and foremost we do not recommend using the iFrame embed as it is not accessible and unresponsiveness, so use it at your own risk. With regards to your concern you don't need to locate the file to embed a content. You just need to get the embed code or in this case use the embed URL. You can check this page for steps on how to get the embed code. There is just an extra step you strip the code and only use the URL. In the sample provided on that page you will only need the URL, https://h5p.org/h5p/embed/1396.





Hi BV, thank you for your prompt reply. Are you planning to add Speak the Words Set as an acitvity to the Interactive Book? That would be great to have, if possible, all activity types including Speakthe Words Set; currently, there are only few. Interactive Book is awesome since it can be made full screen, has a quich navigation pane on the left hand side, and thus a neat look and provides easy access to several activites intended for, say, a chapter. Thus, I don't want users to navigate to another page for a single activity (speak the words set in this case), and come back to the Interactive book again. I would be happy if you have plans to add it as an activit  to the Interactive Book along with other acitvity types as well, if possible of course.

Best wishes
