Scoring Inconsistent?

I have several activities in my lesson that are showing a fraction as a result that is inconsistent with the number of answers the learner got correct. Any advice on correcting this? I have attached a screen shot of the activity and the behavioral settings. 

It is from my English lesson on Overcoming Stress & Anxiety Lesson 1 Part 1:

Wrong Score
Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Kelsey,

Mark the Words have a correct minus wrong scoring. This is so that students will not click on each and every word to get a perfect score.


Okay, that makes sense. Do writers usually explain that in the instructions to the activity? It feels disconcerting to know you got one correct, but see a zero in your score.

BV52's picture

Hi Kelsey,

I think it would be a good idea to place a note in the description field that this test/exercise is scored right minus wrong.


Ok, thank you! Isthere a list somewhere of how the various activity types are scored? 

BV52's picture

Hi Kelsey,

I'm afraid there isn'y any such list.


Okay, that's alright. Thank you for your help!