H5P Interactive Videos Freezing on Moodle

While our students are watching interactive videos prepared with H5P, the videos constantly freeze and they have problems watching.

Moodle version: 4.2.2



BV52's picture

Hi yakarsu,

To get a better idea of what is happening please provide the information requested at the top of this forum: https://h5p.org/forum/9


otacke's picture

Best guess: You're using videos that you have uploaded to moodle. Your server will need to be fast enough to serve those videos to the students, or otherwise the symptoms that you describe might occur. Could also be a bandwidth issue either of the server's connection or of the student's devices' connection.


Thanks for answer We have 3 web servers and we upgraded the resources. Bandwith value on servers does not increase at all. The values on the server do not increase at all.


  1. There is no exact step. Students open the Interactive video and the video freezes occasionally. There was no problem before, this problem has been observed for the last 2 weeks.
  2. Moodle 4.2.2
  3. This problem is seen on both mobile and desktop.
  4. Browser: All Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc)
  5. H5P plugin version;
    H5P mod_h5pactivity 2023042401
    H5P framework v1.24 (h5plib_v124)

  6. H5P content type and version ;
    Interactive Video  V: 1.24.4
    Interactive Video  V: 1.26.6

  7. There is no console error.
  8. There is no PHP errors
  9. We havent got screenshot
  10. We added Redis server for Moodle.
  11. No changes were made to the browser we use.


  1. There is no exact step. Students open the Interactive video and the video freezes occasionally. There was no problem before, this problem has been observed for the last 2 weeks.
  2. Moodle 4.2.2
  3. This problem is seen on both mobile and desktop.
  4. Browser: All Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc)
  5. H5P plugin version;
    H5P mod_h5pactivity 2023042401
    H5P framework v1.24 (h5plib_v124)

  6. H5P content type and version ;
    Interactive Video  V: 1.24.4
    Interactive Video  V: 1.26.6

  7. There is no console error.
  8. There is no PHP errors
  9. We havent got screenshot
  10. We added Redis server for Moodle.
  11. No changes were made to the browser we use.

We are experiencing what seems like the same thing in Moodle Workplace. Did you happen to discover any reason for this?

We are experiencing what sounds like the same issue in Moodle Workplace (kenai theme, remote host). Did you happen to discover any reason for this?

Thank you!


I couldn't find a solution, we just published our videos on YouTube.