More image options on dialog card (front/back)

The dialog cards are great, but please update them to allow more options on the front and back of the card. Currently, the same image appears on both sides. It would be beneficial to the learner to have

  • Two different images on the front and back
  • One image on the front but no image on the back
  • One image on the back but no image on the front

This request could be an easy update.

Thank you!


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otacke's picture

Hi Denise!

A pull request with the code that would allow to style each side of the cards individually with all the options was posted, but the H5P core team doesn't seem to have time to take care of it.


papi Jo's picture

Oliver's pull request was made exactly 3 years ago... If you can't wait for 3 more years (?) before his PR is integrated into Dialog Cards... you might be interested in using my 'papi Jo' Dialog cards fork which allows you to do all you required in your post, plus much more.

Please browse my Dialog Cards 'papi Jo' examples on my Moodle site here:

otacke's picture


I created a ticket yesterday ( which usually helps.

Being fair, I think you should also point out the downsides of using your forks or forks in general.



papi Jo's picture

"Being fair, I think you should also point out the downsides of using your forks or forks in general."

I quite agree, and I have indeed put a very visible warning on my site's Welcome and Instructions for use page which says:

Warning.- The papi Jo H5P libraries are not official, they are not supported by the H5P core team. Install them on a test site and test thoroughly before installing on a production site. There is no guarantee of future updates nor of support. However, I will do my best to answer queries posted to [email protected].

Install at own risk!

otacke's picture

I was rather thinking along the lines of

  1. You will install a content type that's essentially the same as the original content type in addition to the original content type, so you'll basically have two entries for the same (= cluttering the H5P Hub). Hypothetically, others could create their own forks with their own minor tweaks - then you may have three or more ...
  2. It's not transparent for your users that you're not running the original version, so when they download the content and upload it to their platform, they may install it even though they may technically not want to have another version (= cluttering the H5P Hub but without even knowing).
  3. The original content types receive updates that you will not benefit from automatically, but the fork's maintainer will need to take care of that and release an update - and you will need to find out that there's an update and install it manually yourself (= missing out on features + update hassle)

And then there's the good to know:

  • The forks are completely different content types for H5P. So, for instance, "Mark the Words" may be usable as subcontent in "Column" or "Course Presentation" - but the respective fork will not. Consequently, you also cannot paste fork content as subcontent. Just taught someone about exactly this fact, as that person was not aware of it.
  • You cannot easily migrate content later on if you decide you only want to use one version. That involves database actions.

"Install at own risk" is a nice set phrase, but I am pretty sure that the average user does not know what the risk actually is.