Advanced Fill in the Blanks vs Complex Fill in the blanks

Hi there, hoping for some clarification around the below question:
Are the "complex" fill-in-the-blanks and "advanced" fill-in-the-blanks the same H5P activity, or do they different in any way? 

Thanks in advance!

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Renee,

They are the same content type, "advanced" was the original name then it was just renamed to "complex". I have no idea though why it was changed.


otacke's picture

I think the reason is that H5P Group fixed some things in Advanced Fill in the Blanks and created a pull request for Sebastian Rettig, the maintainer of Advanced Fill in the Blanks. Sebastian didn't respond (must be interesting for H5P Group to be on the other end of the line and for once experience how it feels to contribute to their repositories ;-)) and H5P Group decided to create a fork and use the fork's repository for releases. The new name may have been introduced to differentiate the original version from the fork, even though internally it's still "H5P.AdvancedBlanks".