Game Code for The Chase and Multipoll real-time content types

Hello community and developers,

I saw on a video posted on YouTube ( )that one can make the recently published H5P content type 'the Chase' public and then the Chase creates a game code for ''. This means that as a teacher you can direct your students straight to the '' website and they enter the code to participate in the quiz/game.  Unfortunately, this option currently only works in the beta version of the content type when the activity is created outside a learning management system.

I would like to request the feature of a game code generation for both the Chase and the Multipoll content types within a learning management system (i.e Canvas). It would be very useful to have this feature teaching in a blended or hybrid class environment as it would be easier and faster to send students to the live quiz on their device via a game code. Not every LMS has a well-functioning LMS app and it can take a solid few minutes for students to access their course pages via a device (if students don't have the LMS page open already). 

It would make both these activities a lot more versatile.


Request for a Game Code for The Chase and Multipoll when created in Canvas
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

I would agree with the above by gbrunner and also wonder if there would be a way once it is in LMS (or out) to not have to facilitate or start "The Chase" so that students may play at their own pace. 

BV52's picture

Hi Christa,

You can set the game's duration to unlimited so that the students can answer it anytime they want. Although the results will only be shown once the facilitator ends the game.



If able to be added to LMS - Moodle included please 

If ability to add to LMS - please include Moodle

Is there a max number of players for "The Chase"?

BV52's picture

Hi CDRBill,

The maximum number of simultaneous players is 750 per game instance.