Speak the words Set

"Speak the Words Set" not uploading

I have created a couple of these exercises, then embeded them into my web and they do not appear when loading the site. Nothing shows instead, not an error message or anything. As if I never created the exercises to begin with, but they load (sometimes) in my H5P library. It is only happening with this specific activity. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Accents in Spanish

Speak the word Set doesn't allow me to write words with accent in the solutions. I mean, if I write, for example, "¿Qué hora es?", and pronounce correctly, it will say "incorrect". It will offer these "correct" options:

que hora esGaylord iceToyota


I find this app extraordinarily relevant for my classes, but I can not teach my students incorrectly written words without accent. I have seen that the accent does work on this example:


What am I doing wrong?

