Speak the words Set

Disable solution button on Speak the Words

I'm a teacher and find H5P very strong in teaching. Thank you!

I'm using "Speak the Words Set" as Wordpress plugin, together with MyCred plugin,
so each time a student speak the word using the correct pronunciation - he gets points!

I couldn't find where to disable "Show Solution".
I don't want my students to use this button, otherwise this task has no meaning for them...

Speak the Words Set "Finish" button translation

coreanoonline's picture

Hi, I'm using H5P in Portuguese, and most of the content types are already translated or at least allow me to translate the sentences manually. However there is one button I simply can't find a way to translate. It's the "finish" button that appears in the of Speak the Words Set. I looked carefully into all the fields to translate, but it's not there. Any ideas on how I could translate it? Thanks!
