interactive book

Possible to easily add small images/videos in Column and Interactive Book? And small videos in Question Set?

Could it be possible to easily add small images in Column and Interactive Book? Now any image we insert will immediately become screen wide, with a great height.

It would also be very useful if the size of videos could really be chosen. Now there is only the choice between all available space and the video aspect ratio. We are unable to show a video in a small frame.

We just tried to insert a video with a small height and width in a Question Set. Here, too, the video is irrevocably enlarged. 


Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Interactive book fill in the blanks issue

Interative book - fill in blanks content type

The fill in the blanks are not enabled to fill / type in the missing values during the first load, the edit is disabled to enter any values, this causing issue that we unable to fill in the information.

Once we click on retry button the field is getting enabled for data entry, please help to resolve

Interactive book and saving the results of quizes


we are having a platform for courses

I am using the interactive books for the course pages but the problem is the results are not getting saved and we are unable to see the results of the quizes attended by the students how to solve this issue?


