interactive book

LearnPress LMS - Eduma Mobile app and H5P content rendering



We are using Learnpress LMS and plannig to host our app both android and ios using eduma theme based apps, my question is will H5P content renders properly in mobile app or not. They have developed using react native framework.
We are heavily using interactive books of H5P I am afraid that this should work well in the mobile app as that is using Rest API pulling the content to display

please advice

This is quite a urgent and serious issue for us, please help


Interactive book - text alignment

Hi folks, how are you?

I am using H5p interactive book to create moodle courses and I have one question for the community.

Is there a way to justify text in H5P interactive book (by justify I mean the control + j funcion of the microsoft word, not center/left/right alignment). If there is so, can someone explain me how? I have not found videos or other topics about it.

Thank you in advace,


Students downloading their answers in Interactive Book


We are using the interactive book as a feature in Brightspace. We were wondering if it is possible for our students, who answer the assignments in the interactive book, to download their own answers? These answers can be quite helpfull while studying. 

Right now it is only possible for them to send their answers to us as creators, but we can't share it with them. 

It would be nice for them to have these answers!

Thanks in advance. 


Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
