interactive book

Interactive book (navigation does not take you to top of the page)

Hi H5P

great content type, even in the alpha form. Giving our University Kura Cloud good competition finally.  A small suggested improvement is that when built and navigating if you are halfway down a page (or rather column) and click the left nav to go to another column, it takes you to the same place halfway down or at the bottom if that's where you finished reading, on the next column.

Interactive Book not updating page titles and page numbers


In this interactive book content page titles and page numbers are not updating when going to next chapter page.

Adittionally, some contents (like multiple choice) below iframe embedder (YouTube videos) are not dispayed in some chapters. 

Only when i go to last chapter and go back to previous chapters everything seems to be working fine.

Best regards.

Can't copy&paste fill in the blanks 1.12 in Interactive Book [SOLVED]

Hello there !

I am using H5P (latest version) on Wordpress (latest version) and I am also using the wonderful Interactive Book content type to stack different activities that I have already created (fill in the blanks, drag and drop, singlechoice set... ) in one convenient book, easy to navigate for my students, with chapters and a clean interface. 
