
I hardly see anything when I insert the shortcode.

Hello, I have a problem that has been going on for several days. When I am editing the page where I insert the shortcodes to add my exercises, at the moment of inserting the shortcode I can hardly see anything, just a very fine line that is difficult to find. I create pages where I insert many exercises together and it is quite annoying that this happens since it is difficult to know where the shortcodes are located. I attach a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. Greetings.

Alternative answers

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Now, two words are possible in a sentence, but what if we need to have two combinations of two or more words? like:

bla bla bla A B bla bla

bla bla bla B A bla bla

Now, is possible to choose between a word or another, but we need to be able to choose between a pair of words or another.





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Dictation editor not showing in Wordpress

coreanoonline's picture

Hi, I started using H5P in WordPress literally a week ago, mainly because of Dictation. During the whole week I created many activities, but since yesterday the editor (for the Dictation module only) won't open properly. It shows only up to the Description field, so I can't edit the ones I created or create new ones. However, when I view the activities I created they are working normally, so it's only a bug on the editor side only.
