Fill in the Blanks

Various examples of using H5P content types in university context


Hi everybody,

I'd like to share with the community some examples of using H5P content types in our so called Online Studychoice Assistants (OSA). I am working for the University of Freiburg (Germany) and these little tests are a free service to give prospective students a realistic insight into studies and specific subjects. The process can help to assess whether the subject really matches their expectations and wishes.

Drag and Drop

Ability to hide "Task Description"

grackle's picture

I would like to have the option to hide "Task Description" in "Behavioural settings" for the following activity types:

  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Single Choice Set
  • Drag the Words
  • Mark the Words

This screenshot shows option as available in Drag and Drop:

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

H5P GamiPress Automator URL redirect blocked/suspended

  1. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen)
  • Create H5P Fill in the Blank.
  • Create GamiPress achievement on completion of the H5P Fill in the blank.
  • Create Automator URL redirect based on the GamiPress achievement.
  • Execute the H5P task, the GamiPress achievement succeeds, the Automator URL redirect says it was successful, but no redirection occurs.
  • A 404 page or a second automator activation will result in the pending URL redirection, which can occur after navigating to another page or two and then suddenly you
