Dialog cards

Language Card(s)

I am wondering if a new content type could be created by adapting the features of existing content types, 'dialog cards' and 'match the words'

I work with a First Nations school in Canada, where the Nation's language, Hul'q'umín'um' is taught.  Many First Nations schools in Canada teach their Nations language. 

While teaching, an effort is made to only use the Hul'q'umín'um' language.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Changing Dialog Cards / Image Pair Content


A couple of features I would like to pay to develop on existing Content Types.

1. For the Dialog Cards conetnt type I would like to remove the Turn button for certain sets of cards that do not have a back side.

2. For the Image Pair content type I would like to have an option to randomize the matches and only display X number at time (similar to how Memory Game works when you set "Number of cards to use.")

Where can I find paid developers to help with customizations like this?

Step by step CSS changes in Moodle for H5P

MarkAnthony Chesner's picture

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you all are safe and well!

I would like to make CSS changes to some of the H5P elements. I have read a lot of the articles here and on other sites, but I just don't get it. For example, should I alter the config.php for my theme and the, somehow, include and link a custom.css...or....?

Could someone please take a few minutes to send numbered points outlining this, please?

Thank you in advance!

Moodle 3.9, hopefully, 3.10 very soon!

Best wishes!!!
