Moodle - Maximum Grade
Hi Guys,
I have a quick question relating to Moodle. On the content creation/editing page for a H5P acitivty, there are two fields under Grade: Grade to pass and Maximum Grade.
Hi Guys,
I have a quick question relating to Moodle. On the content creation/editing page for a H5P acitivty, there are two fields under Grade: Grade to pass and Maximum Grade.
I am using course presentation in a Wordpress environment. Sometimes using the drag and drop module, sometimes the image one.
After creating a presentation and looking at it everything seems in order. However, often when I check on it a day or two later it has missing images and audio files. I look on the server and the images are indeed not in the folder of the activityID. I have not detected a timeframe or why this happens.
I am attaching a screenshot and a link to such activity.
Hi. I'd like to add Bodymovin animation inside of H5P Course Presentation. I've added an example here where I've place the animation on a wordpress site. This was pretty simple, but I'm unsure of the best way to incorporate this into your plugin.
If it helps, here are the steps that I used to add bodymovin to wordpress.
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