Course Presentation

auto-linking from within H5P Course Presentation not working

carijansen's picture

Automatic hyper linking between H5P activities (Course Presentation) using Moodle's Auto-linking feature is not working. (Moodle 3.4).

To Replicate:

  • Enable Auto-linking at Course and H5P level.

Administration: Course administration >Filters)
Activity names auto-linking = On
Glossary auto-linking = On

Administration: H5P > Filters:
Activity names auto-linking = On
Glossary auto-linking = On


Google Slides/Slideshare

Is it possible to use a presentation hosted as a Google Slide or LinkedIn Slideshare and make it interactive similar to videos hosted on youtube?

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

CSS interpretation in Firefox

tormartinkarlsen's picture

I am experiencing some differnences between Firefox and other browsers regarding general display of text in Course Presentation. I have created this example to illustrate how a long lists of text can look ok in Chrome and other browsers but deviate in Firefox.

This could cause problems with partial missing text when the whole slide is used/filled with text:

