Course Presentation

Could not get posted H5P & OK (200). Problem uploading content in Moodle

Hi, i'm trying to load several resources in Moodle, but it gives me this errors:

Error 1:

Could not get posted H5P.


Error 2:

OK (200)

Unable to interpret response.


Please check your error log.


I've checked the resources and all look fine. I send attached one of the resources.

Please help. 




Validating h5p package failed - Moodle/plugin upgrade

Hi H5P Team,

We are updating our Moodle site to 3.4 from 3.0 and are having trouble getting the H5P plugin to work. We are using H5P plugin 1.10, upgraded in line with the Moodle site. During our testing phase, only select H5P activities can be downloaded for use. Key activities such as Course Presentation have the following error message: [attached]

Which event fires when summary slide show up


May you all live in peace!

I am a Moodle developer and am trying to customize summary slide in course presentation. I have already written JS code which can modify the summary slide content as per my needs. The only issue is that when summary slide loads, it shows default slide and I have to reload the page to get my custom design appear.

It appears that I need to run my JS code on a proper event to make it work. I have tried to go through documentation to get to know the relevant one but not successful.
