Course Presentation

Link Slides in Course presentation?

Hi all,

I am currently trying to convert our school curriculum into a new, slightly fresher form. 

Therefore I would like to add links into a course presentation that lead to other slides. In a way it is similar to the branching scenario but more versatile. Is this possible? 


Slide1: "... We have 6 different Science Labs with specific rules. ....." (Click on "specific rules" and get to slide 3)

Slide2: "Blablablabla"

Slide 3: "Our rules in Science Lab: ...."


Kind regards,

Unable to see Grade Review in Moodle of H5P


Hi all,

I am using Moodle with H5P Interactive content like Atrimetical Quiz, Course presention and Interactive Videos too (almost all).

But facing issues unable to see Grade review after users attempts atrimetical quizs and others too.

Please help to understand if any configuratio which I missed.

Only Interactive videos review I can see in grades section. 

Table summary in Course Presentation

JRDingwall's picture

I have a general question I'm hoping someone can answer. When you add a table onto a slide in the course presentation content type, the fields all make sense to me except the summary. When the table is created the summary does not seem to appear on the slide like the caption does. Where does the summary go, and what is its purpose?

