Course Presentation

Course presentation not scaling properly on mobile app

Hello, I'm using Course Presentations on Wordpress.

All working brilliantly except when the presentations are viewed within a mobile app (I'm using Apppresser), items (I think it's just text font size) don't scale properly leading to items not fitting properly on the screen and vertical blue scroll lines appearing on the text fields.

Apppresser allow me to view the app on a browser preview and it all looks fine there, just not on an actual device. This makes debugging quite difficult, although values can be outputted via alerts from h5p.js

Course Presentation Print button not visible on mobile phone

JRDingwall's picture
  1. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen)
    I was looking at my blogpost on my iPhone and noticed the print button was not displaying. It does display on laptops and even my iPad (IMG 2947), just not on the iPhone (IMG 2382). 
  2. Platform and version number. E.g. Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle.

Add font colour option for text in "Continuous Text" (Course Presentation)

grackle's picture

The HTML editor for "Continuous Text" does not provide an option for font colour in Course Presentation.

HTML Editor for Text Box:

regular textbox appearance for Text in Course Presentation

HTML Editor for Continuous Text Box:

HTML editor for continuous text box in Course Presenation

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